Last year I mentioned that I wanted to do a kayak trip with Katie from our back yard to Caesar Creek lake some 14 miles away via Anderson Fork creek. Today I pulled up Google Maps and took off on a scouting trip to check all the road crossings over the creek between our back yard and the lake to be sure there were not fences or barbed wire to deal with on the trip. There were 6 crossings…
US 68
Mc Kay Road
New Burlington Road at Hackney Road
Old Winchester Road
Engle Mill Road (and old Mill Road no longer there)
Former bridge in ghost town of New Burlington & bridge at SR 380
Google Map kayak route crossings
All the crossings were wide, unobstructed by fencing or barbed wire, and the water was deep and moving swiftly. It seems there are quite a few rather beautiful, scenic, and wide places the creek runs through, so the route should be very enjoyable!
Below are some photos of the crossings I got today….
Anderson Fork at US 68 (east side)
Anderson Fork at US 68 (west side)
Anderson Fork at Mc Kay Road (east)
Anderson Fork at Mc Kay Road (east)
Anderson Fork at Mc Kay Road (west)
Anderson Fork at New Burlington and Hackney Roads (north-west)
Anderson Fork at New Burlington and Hackney Roads (south-east)
Anderson Fork at New Burlington and Hackney Roads (south-east)
Anderson Fork at New Burlington and Hackney Roads (north-west)
Anderson Fork at Old Winchester Road (north)
Anderson Fork at Old Winchester Road (south)
Anderson Fork at Old Winchester Road (south)
Anderson Fork at Old Winchester Road (north)
Anderson Fork at Old Winchester Road (north)
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill bridge (east)
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill bridge and Covered bridge (east)
Engle Mill covered bridge
Engle Mill covered bridge
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill bridge (east)
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill covered bridge (east)
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill between bridges
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill between bridges (east)
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill (west)
Old Engle Mill covered bridge condition – help!
Anderson Fork at Engle Mill (west)
Engle Mill covered bridge foundation – help!
Engle Mill covered bridge condition – help!
Anderson Fork at old New Burlington town bridge (east)
Anderson Fork at old New Burlington town bridge (east)