Indiana Pheasant Hunt
Yesterday, Rachel, her parents, her sister (and boyfriend), and the kids all went to visit Lee and Cara and to do a pheasant hunt today. The hunt went pretty well. I got two nice sized cocks (very good looking birds) on our first round, and between the rest of the group of 6, five others were bagged.
We took a break and did another short round and got a couple more. The weather was warm and the dogs (and us) got tired quickly. We did have a few shots miss their targets, but not too bad. Our first volley of shot after the first bird took flight left our hosts smiling at the significant use of lead!!
We took another break and then went across the road to a flatter, but more challenging spot of woods. There, the birds were hard to find, the dogs were having a tough time, and when they did flush ’em out, they kept flying out of range and into the woods.
In all we bagged about 15 birds. We took our booty and Lee, Brandon, Misti, and Rachel dressed them up for freezing.
It was a good time, and we are all thoroughly worn out! I’ll try to share the name of Lee’s nurse and her husband. Jim is all I remember.