Issue 6
Issue 6 is the proposal to allow, or not allow, the huge casino to be built at I-71 and SR 73 in Clinton county. Learn more here ( http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/Ohio_Issue_6_(2008) ), and note how large this thing is proposed to be! Bye-bye Caesar Creek wilderness.
The Ohio Lottery likes to promote itself as a ‘good’ solutions for funding schools. The winner for the lotter is the lottery, not Ohio’s schools, or the state. Sure some people win, and the money is supposed to help schools, but I doubt much makes it through.
Now after Ohio voters have repeatedly voted NO on allowing gambling in Ohio in the way of a casino, they are trying again. With all the jobs lost at Airborn Express and DHL in Wilmington, lots of folks are saying ‘it needs to happen’ for workers who are unemployed now. While I feel for these workers and their families, I don’t subscribe to the casino as a solution. Certainly not a moral or ethical one!
Please, before you vote to get a casino in the area, consider the type of employee you typically see working at a hotel. Do you think a freight worker, an aircraft technician, or a pilot will want to take a job cleaning rooms, or working in food service? Some might, but more than likely these are going to be jobs filled by low-income, young workers with no families – not to the type of workers employed at ABX or DHL. What’s more, none of those employees are going to just sit around for a couple years, waiting for a casino to be built, and then automatically get a job. It is just not going to happen.
I don’t like gambling, and feel it is wrong. Even if I did support it, I would not like it because of all the bad that comes with it. Please, this November, when you vote, think about the risks that come with a casino in your back yard. The people who want this in the area the most, are those who will get money out of it being built.