Was it REALLY an Accident?
Rachel has been trying to get a new washer for years, and being the frugal person I am, especially in this economy, I have resisted until our old one dies.
Yesterday after church, Rachel told me she had some “Bad News”. I feared the worse, but found that the washer had died. She had placed in some small rugs into the wash, and gone off to vacuum the house. Unable to hear, the washer was horribly out of balance on spin-out – it was tearing the machine apart from within!
You can’t tell too much from the photo above, but the front of the washer was dented by the tub beating against it, the plastic part that lets water fill the tank had it’s mounts broke off, and the underside of the washer fill area, was beat-up badly.
I was cool with a replacement until I found that the cheap, standard replacement I had hoped for (~$350) was not what we could agree on. Looks like we will be going with a new, more expensive, front-loading washer now.
At least it will be more earth friendly, use less energy and water, and accommodate our ever increasing loads of laundry (good point Rachel). We just have so many things we have to pay off, it hurts.
She said it was an accident, but I am still wondering about that…. 🙂