Good Weekend
Last week was a tough one for me at work. We’ve been cranking on some large jobs the past few weeks, and the smaller staff makes bigger jobs a bit tough. Thankfully, so far they have been going (mostly) well. I definitely needed a good weekend to help recover from much of it.
Saturday, Rachel and I went to see Ohio State take on Illinois. It was not supposed to rain during the day, but we got soaked. Even with the help of a poncho bought at the game, I was more than soggy. However, the young Buckeye team won 30-0!
Today, Katie and I finally got to King’s Island after the last failed attempt. We had a list of “Thrill Rides” we wanted to ride, and we did all but one, but added one to the list:
- Diamondback (fast, very high, ultra-smooth, very comfy seating!)
- Firehawk (spooky and not good for a dad with a sour stomach)
- Backlot Stunt Coaster (were next in line and the coaster closed)
- Delirium (fun, high, crazy!)
- Drop Tower (always fun)
- Invertigo (fun!)
- Flight of Fear (normally fun, made dad ill today)
- The Beast (still shakes the stuffing out of ya! But great)
- The Racer (miss the forward/backward racer, but still fun)
- The Crypt (LAME!)
- Flight Deck (smooth, not too spooky anymore)
- Vortex (good ride, not when feeling ill)
- and Adventure Express (better than I remembered, but still hate the end)
We started of with Invertigo (which was Face-Off) and then did Delirium and Drop Tower (formerly Drop Zone). All was going well until we decided to get one of those blueberry ice cream cones. I never do well with food at King’s Island. We did one ride then after each ride thereafter, I felt too much of the ride, and nearly got sick after one of my favorites: Flight of Fear. Not sure how I managed to shake that one, but I did. We wrapped up the day by taking the last trip to the Eiffel Tower before the park closed. Tonight began the Halloween season from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
As crowded as the park was, we never waited more than 20 minutes for any ride, most less than 15 or even 10!
We were both very tired and had a lot of fun, though I was pining about not being able to watch the Bengals play Pittsburgh. I figured the Bengals lost, but I heard from another curious fan that they WON!!!! Sounded like a great finish to the game and it made for a great finish to the weekend for us (and me).