Chilo Locks and Dam
Rachel was on a tour of some cool places this summer for school. One place was in Chilo, Ohio where we stopped at yesterday. Wow! What a cool and historic place! Back before the Ohio river was dammed to the capacity and depth it is today, there was a spillway, dam and lock at Chilo, OH. Today the old dam is underwater by many feet, but the old buildings are still there on what is now a park, letting visitors look into the past of river navigation and what it took to traverse.
You can see more on this site about Chilo, the dam, and the locks at this link. During the week, you can go into one of the buildings that powered the dam operations, and see other cool things like a tower, a dry-docked ferry boat, and a great hiking trail, two Yurts, and a place to study turtles and back-water wildlife.
The photo above is the old building that looks as good today as it likely did at the time of this shot. There is a cool water mark on the building from the flood of 1937, showing the Ohio river at a flood stage of 82 feet! That is nearly halfway up the side of the building, and it is still many feet above the river today! Cool place. [photo borrowed from site]