Got Snow?
Yesterday, the question for me at work was, “So Roger, are you happy?”. They wanted to know if this snow lover was appreciative to the fact that it snowed yesterday. I was, but was looking forward to today. That was until I went outside this morning to freezing rain, and a truck encrusted in 1/8th inch of ice! Thankfully the temperature was warm enough I could open the doors. But it took 20 minutes to warm the windows enough to break the ice off. Literally! I broke my new scraper in half trying to get a hole in the ice.
I got to work (one of just three folks at the office today) around 8:00 and it had just started snowing. By noon another 4-5″ had fallen over what we had! I love it! You can see above how my truck looked at work this morning after being chipped out of ice and then driving through the snow. Crazy!
Got images of your own? Share ’em with Roger and I’ll post them.