“Momma’s Broken Heart” Has Gone Scientific!
For a school assignment, each student in my daughter Katie’s science class was asked to write a parody of a song of their choice – using science terms from class.
Well, having a country twang in her musical preference, Katie selected the song “Mama’s Broken Heart“ by Miranda Lambert for her parody track. Then she went to building a compilation of scientific jargon that only a 10th grader (and her teacher or teacher’s book) could explain! It is catchy!
Thursday was busy for me at work, after work at my son’s wrestling practice, and then later that night for more office stuff. So I was not able to help her with her lyrics or to help her get Garage Band (very cool Apple app) working to do her recording as she hoped.
The next day I did finally get some time to help her, and she did a great job writing her scientific parody lyrics to a very popular song.
See what you think by checking out the media player below! *I’m not responsible for helping you understand all the terminology!
Oh yeah, while showing Katie how to duplicate tracks and alter her voice track, we laughed so hard after hearing her voice with the “Mouse Voice” effect, we kept it in the recording as a ‘backup vocal’ so the sound IS intentional! :^)
I am sure she’d love to hear what you think if you would be so kind as to leave a comment! Maybe even ask for a new track! :^)
I had to go listen to Miranda Lambert sing the song..I thought yours was outstanding, some of it I didn’t quite understand, but it was really clever. Great Job.