Monday Weird Weather Gift
Monday certainly provided some odd weather around the Miami Valley. Sun, wind, downpour, sun…
I left work late again on Monday, and had to run by the Beavercreek mall. As I was driving it was absolutely pouring on my way to the mall, while at the same time the sun was glaring just ahead. I expected there was a rainbow nearby and stopped when the rain quit. I was happy to see a huge rainbow running from north to south, with not one, two, but three halos.
The photo above only shows two ranbows, but for a while you could see three. This shot was taken on New Germany Trebein Road, just east of Beaver Valley Road looking towards the east. I got both sides, but the south side had a power line in the foreground. Bummer.
If you never paid attention, you’ll usually find a rainbow in the sky opposite the sun while it is still raining.