
Home Depot – Good and Bad

I love Home Depot! Whenever we are on the lookout for a good price for home improvements, they always seem to have the best price and options. However, their credit services can be deadly if not checked on and monitored.

Last fall, we ordered new Andersen windows for the entire house (yeah, ouch!). We got a great deal at Home Depot on the windows and since I had my brother-in-law (who is a contractor) order the windows for us, our 12-months same-as-cash promotion was not used. Instead of 12, their standard 6-month same-as-cash was applied. I saw what they had done, and the next business day I called to have them change the 6 to 12 months. I was told they would take care of it, so I assumed it was…

While calling about my pesky driveway sealer I ran short on (used 20 5-gallon buckets, still lack about 10 to go), I learned that we were assessed a huge finance fee on our last payment, as the 6-months financing was up. I didn’t look the statement over since I thought the promotions were accurate. They weren’t and I was quite frustrated to hear that today (my apologies to the rep who was trying to help me).

After checking and re-checking, I called tonight (after 10:00 p.m.) and spoke to another rep. This time I took my time and she found the day I called about the 6-to-12 month change, and realized that the person I spoke to never took care of that change! So we were assessed the $530 accrued finance charge for not having the balance paid off in the time allotted.

Thankfully, the rep adjusted our terms to fix the error in the window purchase promotion, giving us 6-months from today (06/08) to complete the terms on the purchase, and our payment will then be apply back to the original balance. So we are good now, but to see the fees they charge if you don’t pay off your loan in time, is very scary for those loosing jobs or not good with spending!

Be careful when using credit! I try to avoid it at all costs, but sometimes it is needed. Still, look out and read the statements!! Payday Loans is not the only business hoping to get rich off of your needs!