
Knee Replacement

Mom went in Monday to have the first of her two knee replacement surgeries. She was supposed to have surgery at noon, but ended up not getting started until around 3:00 p.m. Good thing they did get it in, the alternative was to wait another week!

Dad took the week off, and mom was ready, so I am glad they could do it as planned.

All seems to have gone well, and dad said the doc was able to use screws, as opposed to glue, to hold the new joint into place. They prefer that, as it has a much longer lifetime of use. Given mom is a younger patient for such a surgery, the doc thought it would be good, and would last her the rest of her life.

I thought she was going in to have both replaced, but it was just the right side. I hate to see her have to do this again soon.

Mom was really groggy the first evening I finally got to see her, but was better last night. Although they switched meds on her, and made her pretty sick earlier yesterday.

Visiting hours are only through 8:00 p.m. if you want to stop by. She’ll be there until early Thursday.