The Strange Things I See Each Day
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Working in Yellow Springs, there is rarely a day that passes when I don’t see something (or someone) unusual!
Earlier this week, I drove by the Car/Dog Wash south of downtown Yellow Springs, Ohio. Yes, there is a car wash with an indoor area where you can wash your dog in utility tubs with sprayers. It was there I saw the car above. I kept wondering what it was in passing, but could not place it. I knew it was a sports car, likely Italian or European.
Tonight I had enough of driving by it (to/from work) and stopped to take a look (and pictures) of it. Not sure why the American flags are so prevelant on it, but the body seems to be good. It definately is needing some love. As best I can tell, it is a Maserati Khamsin, at least from my online results. If you know more about this vehicle, or the car model, lay some comments on me!
I had a comment that this is a Maserati Merak not the model I mentioned. Thanks!!