Leaders and Heros
Tonight we saw President George W. Bush bid farewell to the country he has lead for the past 8 years. (Bush photo from Wikipedia.org)
A lot has happened to the world since “W” took office. Halfway into his 2nd year in office, the US was hit with the worst terrorist attack on US soil (the “twin towers”). From that time on this one man was under intense pressure, intense expectations and always scrutinized for everything he did for the next 7+ years.
I certainly have my frustrations with some of the decisions he and his administration went about accomplishing. Some things I can’t believe we ever got into (Iraq invasion), other things I felt were right. Tonight on NPR, they aired a very good segment about how Bush was basically allowing Vice President Cheney to ‘run the show’ in the White House, until he finally realized the path the Vice President was on was dangerous for us.
Regardless of how history labels him, there is a lot about George W. Bush that I admire and salute. Some things history itself was affected by forever (to the negative), other things like hearing about the towers in an elementary school and not leaving the kids in mid-story, I’ll never forget. I hope the good was better than the bad. Mr. Bush, I thank you for your service, and I know my mom does too. May being a civilian once again after nearly two decades treat you and your family well.
- Last night after I posted this on the president, I watched The Late Show. Dave showed a clip from when Mr. Bush was still governor of Texas, preparing to be president. They were at a commercial break on the show and while the staff was tending to Dave, one of the camera men recorded George W. grabbing part of an outfit one woman producer had on, and while she talked to Dave, George used it to clean his glasses. Nice. That is how you get a bad reputation.
Photo from CNN.com
Secondly, I wanted to share my immense gratitude to the pilot(s) of the plane that crash landed into the Hudson Bay today (01/15/09)! I can’t imagine taking off, loosing both engines to birds, and managing to save the lives of an entire plane by skill and good fortune. God certainly had an eye on them today!
Additionally I thank all the rescuers who rushed out to the plane floating on the water, in the frigged cold, they deserve thanks and praise. Amazing, and such a nice thing to hear – GOOD NEWS!
Now if we can stop the fighting between Hamas and Israel, find Bin Laden, get Iraq under control, and get the economy fixed we’ll be fine.
- This morning, CBS Morning had two of the survivors from the plane crash yesterday on the show. That was good. What I thought was stupid was they were airing OUTSIDE in the freezing temps with two people who just got out of the cold the day before. Dumb.
- I hope investigators check to be sure that no boat traffic was on the Hudson when the plane hit.