1st day of school

Day 1 is a Success!

Well, Rachel, Katie and James all started their first day of school today, September 2nd, 2008.

They all did very well. Rachel was out the door pretty much on time, and the kids both woke up well, and took care to get their shoes and socks on. Dad was showered and ready extra early and took them over to ‘mammaw’s’ house. So all in all, things went smoothly.

We also enacted a daily allowance earning chart to encourage the kids to help out, or loose $! An X gets no reward for the day, but a check mark gets them $1. Xs are immediate but check marks are not indicated until after they go to bed, securing more compliance with the program! ;^)

One less thing to get past. Now just need to worry about everything else! Ugh.

Good luck to all the teachers, kids and spouses who struggle to make it through the year (non-stop for us non-teacher types).